JASPER - It is difficult to know where to start with this gemstone that has such a wide array of choices. There are so many extraordinarily beautiful types of Jasper. The overall feeling of Jasper is one of connection to the earth and in turn to us the children of the earth. It supports us with its earthy colors and its beauty. To behold such beauty elevates one out of the doldrums and focuses the mind on higher thoughts!
The ancient Egyptians used Jasper in carved scarabs to increase their sexual energy. Too bad we can't ask them if it worked! It their longevity as a race is an indication it did have a quite amazing effect. The Bible lists Jasper as the first foundation stone of the New Jerusalem as it was considered a direct gift from God. Natives in both America as well Asia see Jasper as a powerful, effective healer as well as a maker of rain.
Jasper is a fine grained opaque ornamental rock composed of Chalcedony and micro-crystalline quartz plus other minerals that gift it with colored bands and swirls.
Here are a some of the named Jaspers that make up this spell binding gemstone! Captions are linkable to the items! Image do not link.
Exotica Jasper |
Apache Jasper |
APACHE JASPER - is a Jasper that is filled with vivid and exciting patterns. There is no mistaking its unique pattern designs and colors. If you are starting a project or new phase in your life Apache Jasper is for you! It will aid you in successfully completing your project or help you enter the new phase in your life with grace and assurance.
Imperial Jasper |
Make yourself a strand or a pendant and run your fingers across it often to feel the rightness of your life's path!
Ocean Jasper |
a wonderful beach combing that would be! Ocean Jasper is filled with druzy pockets which amplify the energy of the stone as it is most usually minute quartz crystals. Use it in your designs to connect to Mother Earth and all the beauty and healing that lies within Her. Nearly every hue is present in this gift from the planet.
There are so many Jaspers! I would like to mention a few extraordinary ones that are wonderful for their colors and patterns. Making them perfect for Fall or Autumn designs!
May you have have a wonderful time exploring the wonderful world of Jaspers. They are many and can be depended on to supply with a rich source of design possibilities!
Sylvia C. Rose-Johnson
Stone Intuitive